Deadline: February 6, 2023
The third call for proposals for EU Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) Innovation Funding is now open! Submit straight away.
Under the Financial Cooperation (FC) program of the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA), supported by the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union, the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) hereby announces its intention to support innovative approaches to technical and vocational education as well as training that will increase African youths’ productivity, employability, and opportunities for job advancement.
The focus is on promoting goods, services, and procedures that will help young people in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo, and Tunisia strengthen their employment-oriented abilities.
The EU Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) Innovation Funding Window III Open Call for Proposals invites interested parties to submit a funding proposal under one of the following themes:
- Theme 1: Digital Tools and Skills – Supporting enhanced delivery of TVET via digital technologies and applications to enhance employability in the post COVID-19 era.
- Theme 2: Female Entrepreneurship and Employability – Supporting enhanced employability and enterprise creation amongst women, youth, and vulnerable groups in TVET.
- Theme 3: Training Innovation in Informal Sectors – Supporting innovative TVET to deliver training and skills in informal sectors and vulnerable groups.
- Grant funding is provided up to 400 000 EUR per project with a matching counterpart contribution required of 10%.
Applicants are only eligible for this assignment if they fulfil the following eligibility criteria:
- Have no conflict of interest in relationship to performance of this assignment.
- Are not subject to, and not controlled by any entity or individual that is subject to, a temporary suspension or a debarment imposed by the African Union Commission, World Bank or any other multilateral development bank.
- Have not been convicted by a final judgement or a final administrative decision or subject to financial sanctions by the United Nations or Country.
- Are not being bankrupt, wound up or ceasing our activities, having our activities administered by courts, having entered receivership, reorganization or being in any analogous situation.
- Not involved in corruption: offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party.
- They have not been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization or any other illegal activity detrimental to the AUDA-NEPAD financial interests.
- Never declared guilty of gross professional misconduct proven by any means which AUDA-NEPAD can justify.
- Comply with their national tax and social security laws
For further information, visit SIFA
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