UN Trust Fund Program 2023 to End Violence Against Women (up to $1 million grant)

Deadline: 11 January 2023

Deadline: 11 January 2023

The UN Trust Fund Program to End Violence Against Women (UN Trust Fund) has opened its 26th funding cycle. Looking for suggestions for projects to reduce violence against women and girls led by civil society and driven by demand.

In addition, this year’s Call includes a special focus on ending violence against women and girls in the context of protracted crises, supporting organizations working in these settings through initiatives that cater to the unique needs of at-risk and violent-victims-victims, especially those who run the risk of exclusion and marginalization.

They will only consider submissions from civil society organizations (CSOs), particularly women’s rights organizations (WROs), who have specific knowledge, expertise, and a history of working to end violence against women and girls. Applications from grass-roots, women’s organizations, women’s rights organizations, and organizations run by women will receive priority consideration.

In response to this Call for Proposals, they are adopting a two-pronged strategy. On the one hand, they encourage all organizations to improve their organizational resilience and preparedness in order to effectively address violence against women and girls both before and after a crisis occurs


They will fund all selected organizations for a three-year period to ensure predictability of funding and technical assistance as well as continuity of services for the women and girls they reach.

  • All civil society organizations can apply for a grant amount between US $150,001 and US $1,000,000.
  • Small civil society organizations are eligible to apply for a ‘small grant’ of between US $50,000 and US $150,000 that includes additional core support for the organization.

Note: For a “small organization”, the organization’s annual operational budget must have been lower than US$ 200,000 (on average) over the last three years.


  • The candidate must be an officially recognized entity. The primary applicant and/or at least one of its co-implementing partners must be duly registered and/or active within the nation or region where the project will be implemented.
  • The applicant must possess the operational and personnel resources required to oversee the proposed project.
  • The application requires three fiscal years’ worth of organizational audit reports and certified financial statements27 (including 2019, 2020 and 2021).
  • A company may only submit one application for this call for proposals, either as the primary applicant or as a co-implementing partner.
  • Previous grant recipients only eligible if they have completed all programmatic and operational requirements by March 2023.

For further information, visit UN Women

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