Deadline: December 31st 2023 | Percy Martinez Cultural Diversity Scholarship ($5000)

Title: Percy Martinez Cultural Diversity Scholarship
Organisation: Percy Martinez Cultural Diversity
Fund/Benefit: $5000
Deadline: 31st December 2023
Eligible countries: All countries

Percy Martinez is a strong believer in the value of harmony and understanding in a world filled with a wide variety of cultures, customs, and history. The Percy Martinez Cultural Diversity Scholarship was created to aid pupils who are enthusiastic about fostering cross-cultural understanding and eradicating barriers.


Due to his extensive experience in many different disciplines, Percy Martinez is aware of the value of cultural sensitivity in today’s globalised society. This scholarship intends to assist people who are committed to encouraging togetherness, advancing cross-cultural understanding, and honouring the diverse fabric of international customs.


  • $5,000 – A big boost to help you with your academic goals.


In order to be eligible for the Percy Martinez Cultural Diversity Scholarship, candidates must fulfil the requirements listed below:

  • Education: This award is available to all applicants, including those who are in high school, undergraduate students, and recent graduates.
  • Participation in Cultural Activities: Applicants should:
  • Have volunteered or taken part in initiatives for cultural exchange.
  • Showed a definite desire to advance intercultural understanding.
  • organised or taken part in occasions that honour variety.
  • Recommendations: You’ll need two letters of support. These can come from professors, local authorities, or other experts who can attest to the applicant’s commitment to advancing multicultural harmony.


Those that are interested in participating in this wonderful opportunity must:

  • Expressing Oneself Select a brief essay (400–600 words) or a video (3–4 minutes) to respond to the following:In a community with a variety of cultures, how would you encourage understanding and harmony? Share a project proposal or a personal story.
  • The applicant with the most interesting, inventive, and noteworthy concept or experience will get the scholarship.

For more information, visit Percy Martinez Scholarship.

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