Deadline: 11th September, 2023 | Africa 2023 Science Communication Competition


Africa 2023 Science Communication Competition has been organised by InfoNile, a geo-journalism platform and international network of more than 800 environmental journalists and scientists in the Nile Basin, to educate university students in Africa about the importance of protecting swamps and their biodiversity.


The contest seeks to increase environmental awareness and inspire young African scientists and conservationists to take action in support of swamps. Students that take part are encouraged to perform extensive research, evaluate scientific data critically, and effectively communicate their findings to a range of audiences.

Goals for the Competition

  • To increase university students’ awareness of and comprehension of the role that swamps play in protecting biodiversity and reducing climate change.

Competitor Products

  • Students at universities will use a variety of communication techniques to spread the word about the value of swamps and the preservation of their biodiversity.

This happens via techniques like:

  • Stories that address the difficulties encountered by swamps, conservation, and the significance of biodiversity in climate change adaptation. They are informative and aesthetically pleasing.
  • The stories created may take the shape of essays, photo essays, quick movies, quick podcasts, or poems.
  • Use social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to spread the word and reach a larger audience.


  • A group of two to three college students, including one from journalism or communication and one from science, will collaborate to create a communication output of their choice in accordance with the requirements outlined above.

Any scientific study about swamps in their nation will be chosen and used as a case study by them.


  • Position 1: Branded 125 USD Position 2: InfoNile notebook, flask, and t-shirt 100 USD +Branded InfoNile t-shirt, notebook, and flask
  • Position 3- Branded at 85 USD InfoNile t-shirt, notebook, and flask
  • Position 4: Branded InfoNile t-shirt, flask, and notepad
  • Position 5: Branded InfoNile t-shirt, flask, and notepad


To submit your application, fill out the following form: Form of Application

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