The Innovation Journey (IJ) grant program for crop Protection, Post Harvest, and Market Linkages in Ethiopia

About us

The Innovation Journey (IJ) program is an opportunity for cutting edge Israeli ag-tech companies and Ethiopian agriculture ecosystem stakeholders to engage with one another and explore partnerships for piloting innovative technologies, with the goal of bringing value to Ethiopia’s agriculture market and small/medium-scale farmers.

IJ is an initiative of JDC’s TOV (Tikkun Olam Ventures) agricultural development program, which leverages Israeli technology and know-how to transform the lives of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia. IJ will complement the expansion of the TOV program in Ethiopia as it works with additional partners, in more regions, and reaches more farmers.

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For  Ethiopian counterparts, who choose to engage in the program, we offer:

  • APPLY for a grant of $25K to initiate a partnership*

  • CONVENIENT ENVIRONMENT to explore relevant innovative technologies 

  • ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS through the incorporation of new technologies as part of your operations

  • WORK with Israeli innovative tech companies

  • ENGAGE in dialogue with relevant partners in the field that are interested in collaborations​

Selected Israeli companies will have the opportunity to:

  • APPLY for a grant of $25K to initiate a partnership and pilot*


  • LEARN about the agricultural ecosystem in Ethiopia and in emerging markets
  • EXPLORE the specific market of small and medium-scale farmers
  • DESIGN business models that are adjusted to the “Base of the Pyramid”
  • ENGAGE in dialogue with relevant partners in the field that are interested in collaborations

*Out of all participants, TWO grants will be awarded

The selected Focus Topics

Every cohort of the Innovation Journey focuses on sub-sectors that enable more efficient matchmaking and increase probability for a successful collaboration.

  1. Crop Protection
  2. Post Harvest
  3. Market Linkages

Grant for The Innovation Journey (IJ) grant program in Ethiopia

In addition to non-monetary benefits the program offers to its participants, the JDC will be providing TWO grants of $25K to help the two selected partnerships launch their activity and possibly secure additional funding. Once the parties are matched and partnership discussions are underway, the partnership members will have the opportunity to apply for the grant, according to a carefully designed process. A committee will award grants to  the two applications answering the criteria in the most optimal way. 

Eligibility to participate in the Innovation Journey

For Israeli companies

  • A registered company in Israel
  • A company with a product/technology based solution
  • A company with a proof of concept and existing sales in at least one market 
  • Interest in adjusting their product to the needs of  the small and medium scale farmer market in Ethiopia
  • Availability to go through the program’s capacity building (around 25 hours spread over 2 weeks) and matchmaking (8-12 hours spread over 3-4 months) stages.

For Ethiopian stakeholders

  • Existing activity in Ethiopia with small/medium scale farmers 
  • Activity or relevance to one of our selected Focus Topics (crop protection, post-harvest, market linkages)
  • Interest in technological dialogue
  • Ability to conduct pilot or collaborate in case there is a match
  • Availability to go through the program’s matchmaking process (4-6 hours spread over 3-4 months), including  a point of contact with relevant expertise to manage communication during the program

For more information about The Innovation Journey (IJ) grant program 2024, Visit the Innovation Journey official website. The Innovation Journey (IJ) grant program in Ethiopia


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