Deadline for applications: February 28, 2023 | The 2023–2024 UN Academic Impact/MCN Millennium Fellowship
On your campus, there is a semester-long leadership development program called the Millennium Fellowship. Your leadership will be strengthened by MCN and the United Nations Academic Impact.
Come together as a cohort of 8–20+ Millennium Fellows on your campus to share knowledge and push one another. At least eight meetings with fellows are held by the program’s end.
Create a strategy for your meetings together. Get together to share best practices. Additionally, you might consider planning a sustainability campaign for the entire campus.
Your Fellowship Campus will get a certificate of recognition from United Nations Academic Impact and Millennium Campus Network if it has achieved the objectives it set for itself and finished the Fellowship graduation criteria.
How the Program Works:
Step 1:
- Submit an application to be a Millennium Fellow as soon as you can.
Step 2:
- Convene, challenge, and celebrate in step two.
Step 3:
- Join Our Alumni Community as the third step.
For Additional Information
Visit the United Nations Academic Impact/MCN Millennium Fellowship 2023/2024 Official Website.
Join us on Telegram as well as Whatsapp for more opportunity updates