2023 iF Social Impact Award (EUR 100,000)

Deadline: May 9, 2023 | 2023 iF Social Impact Award (EUR 100,000)

The iF Social Impact Prize 2023 application period is currently open. The iF Social Impact Prize provides funding for initiatives that advance society. Your project is eligible if it contributes to achieving one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A total of EUR 100,000 will be awarded as prizes for the top projects. You are welcome to propose any initiatives, including CSR projects and active support for a particular societal issue, that assist to address the most pressing problems of our time and improve living conditions.

Join us on Telegram as well as Whatsapp for more opportunity updates


The United Nations Prize for Sustainable Development

The iF will contribute the EUR 100,000 prize money. It may be given to a single project or distributed among several. A jury panel will select the projects backed by iF and decide how to distribute the prize money in May and September of 2023.


  • Submissions are welcome from businesses, design studios, non-profits, foundations, social enterprises, and other organizations.
  • You may only apply with the same project a maximum of twice, and it must already be established.
  • There will not be consideration for Concepts from students.

Evaluation Standards

The jury members will grade each entry according to the following five criteria:

  • Does it approach or find a solution to a pertinent problem?
  • Moral and ethical principles: Does it uphold or represent these principles?
  • Does solidarity improve relationships inside a group?
  • Effort and value are balanced in a reasonable manner.
  • Beneficial effects: Does it produce a satisfying result?


  • Create a profile.
  • Complete the blanks.
  • Upload two images, write a brief entry description, and include the addresses for both the initiator and the partner.

For more information about publishing your project for free. Check below

You will get a brief confirmation following a quick content check by 2023 iF Social Impact Award.  If all goes according to plan, your product will be automatically published and entered into the contest.

Create an account by clicking here.

For more Information about 2023 iF Social Impact Award

Join us on Telegram as well as Whatsapp for more opportunity updates


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