WIPO Global Awards for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in 2023 (SMEs)

March 31, 2023 is the deadline for submissions | WIPO Global Awards for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in 2023 (SMEs)

The WIPO Global Awards honor outstanding businesses and individuals. Who creatively and innovatively exploit intellectual property for commercialization while simultaneously making a positive impact on society.

The WIPO Global Awards competition is looking for outstanding small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of creators, inventors, and designers that are utilizing intellectual property rights wisely to accomplish their business objectives while also leveraging their creativity and innovation for the benefit of society.

WIPO Global Awards for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses


  • It is accessible to SMEs operating in all economic sectors, including technology, agriculture, the creative industries, and more, from all over the world. All applications utilizing intellectual property are welcome, including those utilizing copyright, trademarks, patents, and geographical indications.
  • The annual competition is open to self-nominations from candidates in all countries and business sectors. There are two additional award categories planned for women and youth, however the pilot phase has already begun with firms.
  • The nomination process aims to find innovators, creators, and businesspeople who use intellectual property (IP) rights to further their objectives while also advancing society and making a positive difference in other people’s lives.

Benefits of WIPO Global Awards for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

  • Promotion, acceptance, and exposure abroad.
  • To attend the awards ceremony and other networking opportunities, travel to Geneva.
  • a specialized mentoring program to help emerging businesses reach their goals and make it easier to get funding and partner opportunities.

Selection Standards

A diverse, impartial international jury with particular expertise in intellectual property (IP), innovation, the creative industries, investment, and business chooses the award winners.

For Additional Information

Visit the WIPO Global Awards 2023 Official Website.

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