Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, U.S. Department of State, 2023 Refugee Relief Fund of Julia Taft ($25,000 USD in funding)

The U.S. Embassy in Kampala is happy to announce the availability of a funding opportunity under the auspices of the 2023 Refugee Relief Fund of Julia Taft ($25,000 USD in funding)

. This announcement is made through the Office of the Regional Refugee Coordinator and the Community Grants Program Office.



2023 Refugee Relief Fund of Julia Taft ($25,000 USD in funding)


Registered non-governmental organizations (NGOs) having a minimum of 1-2 years’ experience operating in Uganda are the only organizations eligible to receive funding from the Julia Taft Fund for Refugees. Local NGOs and Civil Society Organizations will receive preference.



$ 25,000


January 25, 2023,



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The Julia Taft Fund for Refugees: What is it?


The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) launched the Julia Taft Fund for Refugees (also known as the Ambassador’s Refugee Fund) to address the unmet needs of refugees. The Julia Taft Fund, established in 2000, provides grants of up to $25,000 per project with the intention of assisting one-time interventions that address gaps in refugee assistance. Projects not already supported by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or other international organizations are funded by the Julia Taft Fund for Refugees.


NOTICE: The funding situation affects this announcement.


What kinds of initiatives in Uganda have previously received funding from the Julia Taft Fund for Refugees?


The establishment of legal aid clinics, job training and vocational training, community centers, human rights education, environmental improvements, and menstrual health management were among the projects carried out by previous award recipients.


Who may submit an application?


·      Registered non-governmental organizations (NGOs) having a minimum of 1-2 years’ experience operating in Uganda are the only organizations eligible to receive funding from the Julia Taft Fund for Refugees. Local NGOs and Civil Society Organizations will receive preference.


·      It should be noted that the Julia Taft Fund for Refugees will only finance programs for up to one year and is only intended to cover one-time interventions. The amount of the request cannot be greater than $25,000 USD. Beginning in July/August 2023, the 12-month performance period will commence.


Application for Grant:


The following details must be included in the application. Applications that are incomplete won’t be accepted. Please use one of the formats listed below to submit all documents: Excel, Microsoft Word, or a PDF are all acceptable.


·      2023 Application for the Julia Taft Fund for Refugees. Please complete the provided form by using all the available fields. The final paper shouldn’t be longer than three pages.

·      Budget for the project: Include a breakdown of the major expenses. Please limit requested amounts to no more than $25,000 USD. Please also provide any funding that the NGO will provide for the suggested initiative. The budget example is given below.

·      Please refer to the example project timeline provided below.

·      NGO registration documentation.

·      NGO Bank Information.

·      A Unique Entity ID (UEI) number or proof of UEI application. For the funding to be awarded, any chosen group will need to have a UEI. By visiting https://sam.gov/content/entity-registration, organizations can apply for a UEI.

·      Organizational Code of Conduct: This document is signed by employees and adheres to the six fundamental principles and guidelines on the prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation from the updated 2019 IASC (PSEA). Please visit the IASC website for further details on preventing SEA, including the six core principles.

·      Submitting an application By 18:00 on January 25, 2023, the grant application packet must be emailed to kampalaprm@state.gov

·      Applications received after the cutoff date won’t be taken into consideration.



Application PDFs


Access the 2023 Taft Fund Application here.


Sample Project Budget, Download


Project Timeline Sample, Download


For more information and to apply 


Click Here


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