Outstanding Young Thinkers to Receive the Einstein Fellowship in 2024 ($10.000 Stipend)

The Einstein Fellowship application in 2024 period is now open for 2024. For exceptional young intellectuals who want to pursue a topic in a field unrelated to their past study, the Einstein Forum and the Wittenstein Foundation grant fellowships.

The fellowship’s goal is to assist those who, like Albert Einstein, produce outstanding work in their field of specialization while also being open to alternative, interdisciplinary approaches. The scholarship offers housing for five to six months in Einstein’s own summerhouse’s garden cottage in Caputh, Brandenburg, just a short drive from the academic institutions of Potsdam and Berlin.


The Einstein Fellowship in 2024 ($10.000 Stipend)


ALL Africans


EURO  10,000


May 15, 2023



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The fellow will be required to present his or her project in a public lecture at the Wittenstein Foundation and the Einstein Forum at the conclusion of the fellowship time. It is not designed for students who want to finish an academic study they’ve already started to apply for the Einstein Fellowship.


The fellow will be given a stipend of 10,000 euros and travel expenses will be covered.


Candidates must be under 35 and have a degree in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences from an accredited university.

Selection Standards

A successful proposal must show both the applicant’s superior intellectual progress and the quality, originality, and viability of the proposed idea.

Whether the applicant has started their PhD program or already has one does not matter.

The proposed project can serve as the start of a larger project rather than having to be finished in its entirety during the fellowship.


Applications for 2024 should include two letters of recommendation, a two-page project plan, and a resume. The deadline for receiving all paperwork is May 15, 2023.

Emails with applications should be sent to fellowship@einsteinforum.de.

Visit Einstein Fellowship for additional details


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