Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship

Brief explanation:

For new international undergraduate and postgraduate students who are applying to pursue a taught PGDip or Masters of 120 points or more, or who are applying to study undergraduate degrees, the University of Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship is being made accessible (with overseas secondary or post-secondary qualifications). Any topic may be studied.

The Scholarship’s major objective is to draw new, highly qualified international students to the University of Auckland for undergraduate or postgraduate taught study lasting one year or longer.

Institution(s) hosting:

College of Auckland

Study level and field(s):

any bachelor’s, postgraduate diploma, or taught master’s degree

Total number of awards:


Target audience:

abroad studying students

Scholarship worth and components:

Bi-annually, up to 50 scholarships worth up to $10,000 each will be given out for postgraduate and undergraduate education.


Candidates must be brand-new international students who have been given an unconditional offer of study at the University of Auckland for a postgraduate diploma or master’s degree (taught) of 120 points or more, or an undergraduate degree (applicants with foreign secondary or post-secondary qualifications), or English Language Academy (ELA) students who have been given a conditional offer of study. The average grade point equivalent (GPE) requirement for applicants is 6.00.

Academic merit, the caliber of the application letter, and the support of the applicant’s references will all be taken into consideration in the selection process. The selection committee may also take the applicant’s nation of origin into account.


Application guidelines:

On October 10, 2022, new applications will be accepted.

Ordinarily, scholarship applications go on sale about six weeks before the deadline. Application deadlines are 21 November 2022 for studies starting in February 2023 and 20 April 2023 for those starting in July 2023.

It is crucial to read the scholarship guidelines before applying. For more details, see the official website (link provided below).


To apply for Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship click the link

Latest African Opportunities for African scholars, Scholarship opportunities for Africans, Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship


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