SFA Foundation African Agriculture Climate Adaptation Research System 2023 call for Proposals (USD $100,000 in funding)

Deadline: 15 January 2023

Deadline: 15 January 2023

Join the African Agriculture Climate Adaptation Research System call for proposals for 2023 right away.

Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) is seeking proposals aimed at creative methods that strengthen the ecosystem of regional actors and institutions while enhancing climate adaption for agriculture in Africa.

The Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) a pan-African, non-profit and public charity organisation that supports, strengthens, and promotes science and innovation in Africa. Similarly, it serves the African research ecosystem by funding excellent ideas in research and innovation; enabling interdisciplinary collaborations and building and reinforcing environments conducive for scientists to thrive and produce quality research that generates new, locally relevant knowledge

Specifically, the objective of the challenge will be:

To support innovations that strengthen agriculture-related risk management processes and adaptation prioritization, planning, and investment, through intra-Africa research collaboration on data, data science, and modeling. for example

  • Programming that promotes co-learning, trainings, and/or scientist exchanges to strengthen capacities around specific core agricultural adaptation data-related research areas, e.g., modelling and data analysis, data translation for decision makers, etc.,
  • Methods for coordinating among researchers and institutions to support prioritization of climate resilient innovations for a given landscape, assessment of impact from previous priorities and changing climate context, and reprioritization based on responsive learnings, etc.
  • Innovative systems for collecting data and quantifying the impacts of climate-smart interventions on SSP livelihood, consumption, micronutrient deficiencies, obesity, etc. This may include data collection as well as analytics, e.g., ways to distinguish between benefits under a variety of climate conditions, and the cost and benefits in poor, good, average years.
  • Strengthened FAIR data management practices for agricultural and climate data programs, including genetic information, enabling data sharing and collaboration 
  • Platforms to mobilize additional investments in national and regional centres of excellence for climate-smart R&D, e.g., at the smaller-scale connecting innovators and researchers with donors, to larger scale support for institutional processes.
Funding level
  • USD $100,000: Seed projects (proof of concept projects) – studies that have a new idea that needs to be validated and data collected to support or confirm the idea
  • USD $200,000: Transition to scale projects – projects that have proved their concept works and need to validate in a controlled environment as they seek to develop the product or process and prepare it for scaling.
  • All the projects will be within a grant term of 18-24 months.


 Looking for projects that meet the stated objectives above, and:

  • Led by a PI based in Africa. Teams comprising multiple African institutions within or across countries given preference over applicants from single institutions. Other global partners may be included.
  • Bbased in an African institution, including academic institutions, research centres, non-profit organisations and for-profit organisations. For-profit organisations will, however, not be allowed to charge indirect costs.  Partnerships with the implementers / end-users, whoever they may be, recommended to avoid developing solutions without clear demand and consideration of user needs.
  • Demonstrate at least 90% of the funding is going to (an) African institution(s).
  • They particularly encourage applications from women-led projects and organisations.
  • Applications submitted via the SFA Foundation’s Grant Management System – Agaseke accessed here
  • Applications due no later than 15 January 2023, 5:00 p.m. East Africa Time

For further information visit SFA Foundation call for proposals for 2023.

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