Are you a leader who is dedicated to eradicating inequality? Do you want to gain knowledge from academics, trailblazers, activists, and social change organizations as well as the most recent findings in academia and insider perspectives on inequalities? Considering collaborating with a lifetime worldwide network of peers? For the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity program 2023–2024, apply right away. (Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity programme 2023-2024)
Deadline: January 19, 2023
A financed fellowship, the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity program is housed at the London School of Economics and Political Science’s International Inequalities Institute. One of seven globally interconnected Atlantic Fellowships, they are.
They are searching for fellows who are willing to confront authority, who can recognize how inequities are manifesting themselves in a larger context, and who are inventive and courageous in how they conceive solutions. Those who recognize the importance of lived experience of inequality and whose own lived experience informs their practice, as well as those who focus not on advancing their careers but on their commitment to changing the world through collective and collaborative approaches, are those who are more likely to bring care and collaboration into their practice.
There are two tracks available for the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity program 2023–2024:
Residential Fellows: In addition to the AFSEE Modules, these individuals will pursue a full-time, one-year MSc in Inequalities and Social Science at LSE. For those who can dedicate themselves to full-time study for an entire academic year, the residential track is appropriate. For the duration of the MSc program, Residential Fellows must also relocate to London. Financial assistance offered to fellows responsible for taking care of family members, little .
Non-Residential Fellows: Through a variety of thorough AFSEE Modules, practice-based project work, and a 12-month time frame, these fellows receive the rare chance to work on and analyze inequality. Non-Residential Fellows travel to attend the in-person AFSEE Modules while remaining based in their personal and professional surroundings for the duration of the Fellowship year. This Fellowship track is perfect for those who are unable to take a full year off from employment due to the decreased time and location commitment. However, in addition to their Module responsibilities, they will be required to make a weekly time commitment of at least three hours for reading, coursework, and project work.
• After finishing their active fellowship year, our Fellows become a part of a lifelong network of senior Fellows from all seven Atlantic Fellows programs.
• Candidates must be able to provide evidence of 7 to 10 years of experience working to advance fair solutions to inequality.
• All applicants for the Residential track of the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity program must be eligible for admission to the MSc in Inequalities and Social Science program at the London School of Economics, which requires that they hold a bachelor’s degree.
The Non-Residential track of the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity program aims to be inclusive and to promote applications from non-traditional candidates. Therefore, we are accepting submissions from candidates without an undergraduate degree.
• You are welcome to reapply if you have previously applied.
Please take note of the following if you are applying for the Non-Residential track and do not have an undergraduate degree:
• When completing the application form, there will be a part where you must attach a copy of your undergraduate transcript. I am unable to upload a transcript because I do not have an undergraduate degree, so please attach a document file instead.
• It is crucial that you upload this file; otherwise, your application will be flagged as having an incomplete part and won’t be made available for the AFSEE staff to assess.

• Through the Graduate Application System of the LSE, each applicant must submit an online application. Along with completing an application form, you must additionally
• Select two referees, and make sure both are provided before the reference deadline of January 19 at 5 p.m. (UK time).
• Include a paper proving that you lack an undergraduate degree or your transcript.
• Submit an academic purpose statement. Please view our advise video at for tips on how to create a personal statement for the program.
• Submit your resume.
• Take the appropriate actions to demonstrate that you meet the English language proficiency standards. Please take note that taking an English language test before submitting an application is optional for applicants.
Visit Atlantic Fellows for further information
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