Watson Western Union Foundation Fellowship


Empowering brave innovators to serve severely underprivileged, displaced, or refugee communities.
Applications for the Western Union Foundation Fellowship are being accepted on a rolling basis. (Watson Western Union Foundation Fellowship)

The 15th of November is the final application deadline.

The Western Union Foundation Fellowship is intended for upcoming business leaders and community organizers from underserved, displaced, and refugee populations worldwide.

These next-generation business owners and leaders will graduate from this 16-week program with the knowledge and abilities to expand access to economic opportunities, secure seed investment, integrate into their communities, thrive in the changing nature of work, and improve their communities.

This program’s combination of online and in-person components enables fellows to benefit from the global cohort while concentrating on local impact in their areas. The Impact Series, workshops, and weekly check-ins are all part of the virtual programming. Local Fellow-led Basecamps and a meetup are two examples of the in-person programming.


Depending on their performance and effect during the course of the Fellowship, the Western Union Foundation Fellows will each receive a seed grant of $25,000.

Are you fit for the Fellowship?

  • The Western Union Foundation Fellowship is intended for extremely talented, up-and-coming community leaders and entrepreneurs from globally marginalized, refugee, and forcibly displaced groups.
  • Mexico, Kenya, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, and Afghanistan are the nations from which we are seeking applicants and where we currently have employees.
  • Ideal candidates will have a track record of building community development initiatives within these neighborhoods, as well as relevant leadership and social impact experience.

The 16-week program, which runs from January 17 to May 5, 2023, must be attended by Western Union Foundation Fellows who are able to make the commitment. There is a 2-week intensive (20-25 hours per week) followed by a 14-weeks of weekly programming (5-8 hours per week) (5-8 hours per week). Fellows will be granted a stipend and spend an additional 80-100 hours implementing a 3-day intense program called Basecamp.

This is a fully-funded initiative due to the generosity of the Western Union Foundation.

Application Process

  • Fill out the application online: Five brief essay questions are included in the online application.
  • Your submission will be examined: After submission, applications will be assessed in two weeks. Applications are taken on a rolling basis and are reviewed. The 15th of November is the final application deadline.
  • You’ll receive an interview invitation: Candidates that advance in the selection process will receive an invitation to a 20-minute Zoom interview.
  • Process of enrollment: Within two weeks of the interview, we will give out the final admission decisions and the enrollment agreement.

Join an optional Info & Application Support Session if you have any questions or would want to speak with someone from our admissions team.

Join us on Telegram as well as Whatsapp for more opportunity updates.

Start Your Application for Watson Western Union Foundation Fellowship



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