ETH4D Doctoral Mentorship Programme 2022 (fully funded)

Deadline: 31 October 2022

Deadline: 31 October 2022

Applications for ETH4D Doctoral Mentorship Programme 2022 are open! ETH4D will train a new generation of engineers and natural scientists able to develop, implement and scale world-​changing innovations with a global perspective.

ETH4D provides grants for mentoring doctoral candidates from low- and lower-middle-income countries. The mentorship is a one-year appointment and comprises the following components:

  • Mentorship from one ETH professor, senior scientist or postdoc over a period of one year of the mentee’s doctoral studies. We suggest monthly meetings and clearly defined goals of the project, e.g., presentation at a conference, joint publication. ETH mentors are free to serve on the doctoral committee of the ETH4D mentee, but this is not a requirement. 
  • Research stay at the mentor’s research group (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) for 1-3 months during the mentorship period. 
  • Financial support for attending a conference and/or research material

ETH4D Doctoral Mentorship Programme 2022 aims to combine technological innovation with a profound understanding of people’s behavior and their environments to identify new solutions for improving the lives of poor people. ETH4D therefore supports research, which combines the knowledge and skills of engineering, the natural and the social sciences and promotes the collaboration between scientific research, civil society, industry and policy.

Join us on Telegram as well as Whatsapp for more opportunity updates.

The grant covers expenses up to a maximum of 15k CHF and includes the following:

  • Economy roundtrip ticket (max. 2 kCHF) to and from Switzerland for the research stay
  • Visa fees
  • Travel allowance to attend an academic conference
  • Research material (e.g. lab equipment) (max 6 kCHF in total).
  • Fees for health insurance
  • Local transportation
  • Accommodation
  • Living allowance for the duration of the research stay at ETH Zurich


  • Eligible are doctoral candidates who are registered at a university or research institute in a least-​ developed, low-​ and lower-​middle-income country according to the DownloadOECD/DAC 2022 list (PDF, 204 KB)
  • The application needs to be submitted by the ETH professorship hosting the doctoral candidate. Applications directly submitted by the doctoral candidate will NOT be considered.

All application documents must be written in English.

Complete the electronic application form and upload all required documents.

  • Budget (Downloadtemplate (XLSX, 12 KB)
  • Project description (see crtieria document for points that need to be addressed)
  • Motivation letter of the doctoral candidate (1 page)
  • Most recent university transcripts 
  • CV of doctoral candidate (max. 2 pages) incl. publications
  • Two academic reference letters
  • Doctoral project proposal (if available)
  • Support letter of the hosting ETH professor, including any financial and in-​kind contributions (in case the mentor is a senior scientist or postdoc, both, the mentor and their professor has to sign the support letter)

Visit ETH4D for further information

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