Grants for Grassroots Women’s Groups in Africa by the Melania Development Foundation ($ 5,000 in funding)

Deadline: No Deadline

In 1921, Melania was established. Over time, the emphasis has switched from empowerment to charity. But its fundamental tenet—supporting powerful women—has always been about mutual connection and still is – Melania Development Foundation Grants for African Women – Melania Development Foundation Grants for African Women

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Deadline: No Deadline

An organization called Melania was founded by volunteers with the goal of assisting independent and resourceful women throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It accomplishes this by providing startup funds to women’s organizations that would otherwise be unable to obtain finance from their home governments.

Melania’s objective is still relevant at 100 years old.

Please submit your application by clicking here.

Project Criteria
The initiatives we support must be local, led by numerous (organized) women, and with the purpose of enhancing their socioeconomic standing:

  • The project falls under the category of revenue-generating initiatives.
  • Low-income women’s organizations are the target audience for the project.
  • The project was made possible by Melania’s financial contribution and can become self-sustaining in two to three years.
  • The women’s group is in charge of project development and execution and is ready to stay in touch with Melania.

project proposals
An application must expressly state:

the situation in the region/country, the goal of the project, the target group’s involvement in planning, carrying out, and maintaining the intended activities, and the contribution of the local community
project’s nature, duration, and cost
The women’s group is in charge of project development and execution and is ready to stay in touch with Melania.

The majority of project budgets fall under €5,000.

There is no deadline for applications

Please submit your application by clicking here.


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