The Advocacy Odyssey Program 2021

Deadline: 15/09/21

Applications for the The Advocacy Odyssey Program 2021. Discover how youth advocacy for ecosystem restoration can safeguard livelihoods, address the climate crisis, and prevent the collapse of worldwide biodiversity by joining this digital learning program. The program will comprise of 3 online collective seminars to be held in October 2021, on the road to GLF Climate.


Deadline: 15/09/21

The Advocacy Odyssey is organized by the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), together with organizations from the Generation Restoration Youth Hub and the World Economic Forum’s platform.

The Program will encourage horizontal learning by connecting young and young at heart people to share their advocacy experiences, with the aim of exploring a variety of approaches to environmental involvement. At the end of the program, participants are expected to develop a strong understanding of how they can become agents of change at all levels, from the local to the global. All participants will get free tickets to the digital edition of Global Landscapes Forum Climate.

Weekly Interactive Sessions

Session 1: The negotiating table: With the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, there has never been a more auspicious moment to forge an absolutely inclusive and intergenerational story on restoration in environmental policy spheres, including the upcoming COP26 and CBD COP15 arranged for this autumn. In this first session, they will navigate the technicalities of negotiations with former youth representatives from preceding COPs.

Sessions 2: Eco-storytelling:

Eco-storytelling is rooted in how the human brain functions: even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays all night telling itself stories! A powerful tool for young environmental activists has been proven by Social media. while relationships with journalists continue to be acutely important for sharing youth perspectives with mainstream media. This session will cover a range of tips and tricks to help young activists lift their storytelling game, from creating visuals to designing campaigns.

More Opportunities can be got here

Session 3: Hard strategies:

According to the Climate Litigation Database, a lot more than 700 climate lawsuits have already been filed around the world ever since 2015. Activists are turning to legal action to hold pollution corporations and governments accountable, influence environmental decision making and defend the rights and livelihoods of native people and other diminished communities. In this session, participants will be equipped with how to play hardball to demand environmental justice for all.


Students and young professionals between 18 to 35 years of age are the ones this program is designed for:

Want to co-create a worldwide youth narrative around ecosystem restoration;

Have a strong interest in advocating for the climate at a local, national, global level or regional;

Are involved in a youth-led advocacy project related to climate or ecosystem restoration (preferred but not needed)


You will be requested to give a one minute video answering the question below as part of your application:

What key elements should young activists include when forging a common youth narrative around ecosystem restoration for Generation Restoration?

Apply for the program by 15/09/21 at 23:59 CEST by filling out the online form.

For further details, visit #GenerationRestoration.









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