Women for Africa Foundation Science by Women

Deadline: 30/09/21

Applications for the Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA) Science by Women Program 2021 are open. The promoting of African women’s leadership in scientific research and technology transfer and stimulating the capacity of the research centres in their home countries was the aim the Science by Women Program was launced with.

(Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA) Science by Women Program 2021 (Funded)

Deadline: 30/09/21

The program’s eventual goal is to enable African Women researchers to play a leading role in the changing of Africa to a knowledge based and innovation led economy and thus in the transformation of people’s day to day lives.

The Science by Women program will fund 6 month visiting senior research fellowship for experienced African women reseachers in different international research centres of greatness found in Spain.

Areas of Research

The preferred areas of research are as follows:

Energy, Climate Change and Water

Continuos Agriculture and Food Safety

Health and Bio-medicine


Successful candidates will have access to the benefits listed below:

Living allowance of 2,400 Euros (before taxes) each month to cover personal expenses, housing and health and job-related accident insurance coverage. Only Biodonostia provides full boarding accomodation and a living allowance of 1,400 Euros gross.

Return flight from their country of  origin to the institution hosting them.


Applicant has to be female

Possessing a PhD with no less than 3 years of post-doctoral professional experience.

Having the citizenship of an African country.

Outstanding academic record and proven track of relevant research experience.

Proven experience leading a research group.

Present day valid relationship with a university or a public or private non profit organization found in Africa allocated to significant scientific research in the areas showed above.

Firm working knowledge of English.

Assessment Standards

Applications will be put through to a highly competitive selection process by the Women for Africa Foundation’s Scientific Committe. The jury will assess the standards below:

The anticipated and measurable economic or social effect of the research project.

The applicant’s plan to communicate and circulate the project’s results.

The applicant’s research career, CV and experience as independent research group leader.

The proper consideration of moral issues where suitable.

The project’s scientific quality and innovative potential.


The documents that have to be submitted by the applicants are as follows:

Full curriculum vitae (Europass format is recommended)

Letter of Interest (at most. one page)

Fully filled form

Brief but to the point description of the project to be developed in the Spanish host centre (at most. two pages)

Click here to apply

For more details, visit Women for Africa Foundation.









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