Entrepreneurship for All Virtual Business Accelerator program 2024

Application Deadline: Thursday, October 24th, 2024, @ 5pm CT | Entrepreneurship for All Virtual Business Accelerator program 2024.

Program Overview

Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll), a nonprofit with a proven track record of helping underrepresented individuals successfully start a business, is running a no-cost, 12-week virtual business accelerator program for individuals residing in Texas.

The Virtual Business Accelerator offers a unique combination of immersive business training, mentorship, and access to an extended professional network. Anyone with a dream to start or grow a business or nonprofit is encouraged to apply.

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Primary Benefits

  • Absolutely no cost to participate. 
  • 100% online
  • Cohort model featuring up to 15 entrepreneurs per class facilitates collaboration and teamwork. 
  • Practical, intensive sessions with content specialists cover critical early-stage business challenges (i.e. value proposition, fundraising, bookkeeping, pricing, social media). 
  • Opportunity to win seed money.
  • A team of up to two dedicated Mentors to guide each entrepreneur to take the business idea to the next level.
  • Proven ability to provide entrepreneurs with increased confidence, clarity, and connections.
  • Lifelong membership in the EforAll community!

Eligibility Requirements

  • The Accelerator Program is open to individuals living in Texas. Ideally, businesses will be located in Texas as well.
  • Access to a laptop/tablet and a strong wifi connection. EforAll will work to assist entrepreneurs who may not have the required equipment.
  • Ability to meet twice a week with cohort and once a week with mentors for the entire 12-week program.
  • EforAll’s program is open to people who are still in the idea stage, people with a hobby looking to take it to the next level, or those looking to pivot and grow an existing business or nonprofit.

How It Works

  • Entrepreneurs attend classes as part of a “cohort” taught by content specialists twice a week. Classes will be entirely online.
  • Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 to 8:30 pm  Central Time (CT).
  • Entrepreneurs meet online with their very own team of up to two mentors for 60 minutes every week to help guide them in taking their idea to the next level.
  • At the end of three months, a Showcase and Celebration event is held for entrepreneurs to celebrate their Accelerator Program accomplishments with friends, family, and the community.
  • Total weekly time commitment is 10-15 hours, including 5 hours of classes, 1 hour of online mentor meetings, and additional time to work on your busines


Key Winter Accelerator Dates

  • Application Deadline: Thursday, October 24th, 2024, @ 5pm CT
  • Semi-Finalist Announced: Monday, November 04th (by the end of the day)
  • Semi-Finalist Interviews:  Week of November 12th
  • Finalists Announced: Monday, November 25th
  • Entrepreneur Orientation: Tuesday, December 3rd
  • Mentor Matching:  Week of January 6th, 2025
  • Intensive Business Training and Weekly Mentor Meetings: Tuesday, January 14th – Tuesday, April 08th, 2025
  • Final Presentations: Week of April 14th, 2025
  • Showcase and Celebration: Week of April 28th, 2025

To apply and for More Information visit Entrepreneurship for all Virtual Program’s Website

Entrepreneurship for All Virtual Business Accelerator program 2024


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