Ember Call-Out 2024: Inviting Applications from Community-Based Mental Health Initiatives

Deadline: 6pm BST, Tuesday, August 20th | Ember Call-Out 2024 for Mental Health Innitiatives.

Ember is calling for applications from community-based mental health initiatives working in low- and middle-income countries who would like to partner with us. Successful initiatives will be offered a 12-month partnership with Ember, customised to support and strengthen the sustainability and growth of the organisation based on their needs. There will also be an opportunity for the selected organisations to be considered for Ember investment after the 12-month partnership.


What are the criteria for applying?

In order to be eligible to apply for Ember Call Out 2024, applicants must:

  • Not discriminate on the basis of religion, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race or ability. However, faith-based organisations may apply.
  • Work in the field of mental health.
  • Be based in a low- or middle- income country (check this list if unsure).
  • Have a mental health support program or project that is already implemented, currently operational, and has had some impact.
  • Engage directly with communities. We are looking for initiatives that are close to the communities they serve and deeply rooted in their settings, with local leadership. We are less likely to partner with advocacy organisations, political organisations, government services or think-tanks.
  • Be locally led. This means that initiatives should be based in low-and-middle income countries, that are created and implemented by local leadership teams, or/and with members of the community they serve.
  • Have a team of more than one person. This can include volunteers.
  • Have at least one English or Spanish or Arabic speaker in the team.

What does a partnership with Ember include?

The support Ember provides is tailored to the organisation and its evolving needs, and rooted in an ethos of collaboration, respect, and mutual learning.

Ember provides:

  • Collaborative Assessment: We work with successful applicants to identify strengths, challenges, and future visions, co-designing strategies to overcome obstacles and leverage strengths.
  • Tailored Support: We tailor our work to meet the specific needs of each initiative. This may include helping organisations develop clearer visions for their future, boosting visibility and stakeholder engagement via enhanced communications, capturing impact, and strengthening financial strategies.
  • Visibility and Networking: We provide platforms to raise awareness about your work and build networks through creative publications, events, and networking opportunities.
  • Wellbeing Support for you and your team.
  • Financial Stipend: An unrestricted stipend of £6,000 GBP for the year, split into two installments.
  • Financial investment after the initial 12-month partnership IF an organisation is selected as one of the investment partners by the Ember Working Group and the SHM Foundation board.

We work together to draw on strengths and overcome challenges to enable initiatives progress on its journey- whether that means growing, developing a more sustainable business or operational model, transitioning from a volunteer organisation to a professional one, or replicating your work in a new setting.


Applications are open until 6pm BST, Tuesday, August 20th. Find below all the information you will need to understand whether this partnership is suitable for you. You can also download this information.

Once you’ve read all the information, you can fill in this short and simple application form. We are reviewing applications on a rolling basis.

For more Information about Ember Call-Out 2024: Inviting Applications from Community-Based Mental Health Initiatives

Round 1: Application submission for Ember Call-Out 2024 for Mental Health Innitiatives

Applications will be open from Tuesday 9th of July to 6pm BST, Tuesday August 20th through this short online form. You can also apply in Spanish and Arabic.

Round 2: Application Review and Feedback

The Ember team will review and respond to applications on a rolling basis between July and September. If successful, we will contact you to organise a 45-minute interview via Zoom or a phone call.

All applicants will be provided with feedback by September 19th.

Round 3: Final Selection Process

The final round of the Ember selection process will take place between October and December 2024.

After the initial 45-minute interview, you will receive an email from a member of the Ember team by mid-October, letting you know whether you have progressed to the next round.

If successful, we will contact you to organise a longer interview with other members of the team, to go into more detail about the work you do. You will then be placed on a short-list that will be submitted to our independent advisory group, the Ember Working Group, to make the final decision.

The final selection decisions will be communicated by mid-December. If you are unsuccessful at this stage, you will receive detailed feedback on your application.

The partnerships with the selected initiatives will formally begin in January 2025 and end in December 2025.

Ember Call-Out 2024 for Mental Health Innitiatives

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