Applications Invited for NextWorldNow Community Investments (NWN)(Grant Amount: 10000 USD)

Deadline: 01 Mar 2024 | Applications Invited for NextWorldNow Community Investments (NWN)(Grant Amount: 10000 USD)

About the NextWorldNow Organization

We partner with communities, providing resources for projects defined by local leaders to improve the lives and well-being of the people in the community.

Vision: We envision a society in which all people have access to the necessities of life, including work, social interaction, clean water, wholesome food, housing, healthcare, and safety. We are aware that there are a lot of unmet needs in the world as it is today. Acknowledging the seemingly limitless scope of the need, we provide funding for creative projects with a minimal budget. We think that rather than automatically accepting the status quo, little changes lead to bigger changes.

About the Grant

NextWorldNow (NWN) holds that world communities can work together in an informed and personal way, leveraging technology and resources, to improve the well-being of participants in each community.    

Our Aim:

We invest in and support community development projects requiring modest capital.  We fund projects that are owned by the local community, whose social impact and return on investment can be measured, and whose success can be sustained.   In the spirit of innovation, we aim for a diverse “portfolio” of projects and geographies to spread creative solutions. 

On a small-scale, individual basis, we seek to identify and implement best practice social investment models. As opposed to a one-time, anonymous payment, our method encourages continuous, direct communication with the sponsored community. We think it’s feasible to fund initiatives that improve community wellbeing without inadvertently causing harm to others. Our goal is to direct almost all grant monies onto the intended community project while maintaining low overhead.

NextWorldNow Community Investments (NWN) works with individuals, communities, and other organizations to make this happen. We invite communities with project ideas to submit their requests for funding.  We study the requests and make funding decisions. We welcome scale-able partnerships with other organizations on joint projects.  We invest in solutions built to last, looking beyond short term fixes to address long standing problems.  We continue to refine our process as we learn more about what works and what does not.   NWN is a non profit private foundation with United States 501 (c) (3) status.

How to Apply

The application period for the 2024 Grant Cycle will be open until March 1, 2024.

Application Link:

For more information, Visit Next World Now official website. | NextWorldNow Community Investments (NWN)(Grant


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