The U.S. Embassy Bishkek Public Diplomacy Section Small Grants Program

The U.S. Embassy Bishkek Public Diplomacy Section Small Grants Program | Deadline: Sep 16, 2024


The U.S. Embassy Bishkek Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce funding is available through the Embassy’s Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program.


  • The PDS invites proposals for programs that strengthen ties between the United States and the Kyrgyz Republic and support a priority program area (see below) in order to highlight shared values and promote bilateral cooperation.
  • All proposed programs must include an American element, either through a connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s, usage of American educational/informational resources, or any other activities that promote or contribute to increased mutual understanding between the people of the United States and people of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Competitive proposals will promote continued/sustainable cooperation between the people of the United States and the Kyrgyz Republic even after the project concludes.
  • Special consideration will be given to proposals which include partnership with Kyrgyz governmental bodies, and to organizations that have a demonstrated track record of implementing these types of partnerships.

PDS invites proposals for programs that support one of the following U.S. Embassy priority program areas:

  • Sustainable Economic Growth
  • Accountable Governance and Stability
  • English Language Programming
  • Climate Change Resilience and Environmental Protection
  • Combating Transnational Threats.


Award Ceiling:
Award Floor:

Deadline: Sep 16, 2024

How to apply

To apply and for more information visit us Embasyy website in BIshkek

The U.S. Embassy Bishkek Public Diplomacy Section Small Grants Program


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