Executive Assistant Job Vacancy In Nairobi | UNHCR

Closing Date; 31st October 2023 | Executive Assistant Job Vacancy In Nairobi | UNHCR

  • difficulty level; A
  • Type of Family; kin
  • Place of residence (if appropriate)
  • Level; NOTB
  • Type of Employee or Affiliate
  • Officer of National Professional Character
  • Motive
  • Assignment Regular > Regular
  • Work from home not accepted
  • Goal Start Date;10/16/2023
  • Job Opening Closing Date; 31st October 2023
  • common job descriptions
  • Head of the Department
  • Executive Assistant Job Vacancy In Nairobi | UNHCR

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Relationships at work and the organizational environment

  • The supervisor (usually the Director of the Bureau/Division or the Regional Representative) will provide guidance. The Executive Assistant prepares documents for the supervisor and oversees the information flow by communicating with coworkers in the same office, at headquarters, and in the field regarding issues of non-routine importance.
  • Frequent communication is maintained with outside parties, such as the UN office, donors, and international organizations, in order to give the supervisor’s contacts background information on pertinent subjects before meetings, to answer questions on the supervisor’s behalf at the supervisor’s discretion, and to enlist the help of others on office-related issues.
  • Each employee of the UNHCR is responsible for carrying out the tasks outlined in their job description. They act in accordance with the UNHCR’s regulatory framework, which includes the UN Charter, the UN Staff Regulations and Rules, the UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions, as well as any applicable accountability frameworks, and within their scope of authority. Furthermore, employees must carry out their duties in a way that aligns with the UNHCR’s basic values of professionalism, integrity, and respect for diversity as well as the core, functional, cross-functional, and management skills.


  • Assist in overseeing the supervisor’s information flow, identifying urgently needed priority matters, and suggesting actions; analyze supporting documentation and compile the most important points for the supervisor; help ensure that responsible Section Heads take appropriate action on matters brought to the supervisor’s attention.
  • Help with the supervisor’s follow-up on policies and directives. Inform the supervisor of any changes to the main UNHCR global operations as well as any policy matters that are directly relevant to the organization or to humanitarian concerns as they pertain to the UN system as a whole.
  • Support the supervisor in creating statements that both emphasize key areas of concern and embody UNHCR’s overarching policies. Write and suggest important letters to the supervisor.
  • Hold meetings with section heads to obtain accurate, timely information about issues that call for choices, action, or the supervisor’s signature.
  • Make sure the supervisor is ready for meetings and missions by creating talking points, gathering pertinent data, and making contacts on the topics to be covered (both inside and outside UNHCR).
  • Accompany the supervisor on missions and to meetings so that you can take notes on the conversations, make sure that issues expressed are followed up on, and offer the supervisor any pertinent advice.
  • Assist the supervisor in bringing UNHCR’s concerns to the attention of the larger UN system by supporting their efforts.
  • Assist with organizing drafts of position papers and other papers pertinent to the Office’s operations.
  • Ensure that protocol is followed, that high-level guests are properly handled, and that they are given background information as needed.
  • Set priorities for your job and arrange it on your own.
  • Pick relevant abstracts, create them, and do information searches.
  • Be able to access private and sensitive data.

Encourage the identification and management of risks and look for ways to take advantage of opportunities that have an impact on the goals in the sphere of influence. Make that risk-based decision-making is grounded in the functional domain of work. Bring up risks, problems, and worries with a manager or the appropriate functional colleague (s).

  • Carry out any other necessary relevant tasks.

Minimum Requirements

Years of Experience/Level of Education

  • For P2/NOB, you must have three years of relevant experience with an undergraduate degree, two years with a graduate degree, or one year with a doctorate degree.

Field(s) of Study

  • Political science; law; international relations;
  • or another pertinent area.
  • (The educational field(s) indicated with an asterisk* are required.)

Relevant Work History


  • three years of relevant prior work experience for the position. For this role, you must have demonstrated your ability to operate diplomatically and with discretion.


  • strong familiarity with and understanding of UNHCR operations.

Adaptive Skills

  • Documentation and Co-Drafting
  • (Skills denoted with an asterisk (*) are crucial.)

Language prerequisites

  • English proficiency and, if necessary, the UN working language of the duty station are requirements for positions in international professional and field service.
  • If English is not the local language, proficiency in the UN working language of the duty station is required for national professional positions.
  • Knowledge of English and/or the UN working language of the duty station if English is not required for General Service positions.

Each employee of the UNHCR must work both individually and collectively to create a workplace where everyone feels secure and empowered to carry out their responsibilities. Showing zero tolerance for sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment—including sexual harassment—as well as sexism, gender inequity, discrimination, and the abuse of power—is one way to do this.

Individuals and managers alike need to take the initiative to stop improper behavior before it starts, to respond to it when it does, to support continuing discussion about these concerns, to speak out when something goes wrong, and to seek advice and assistance from the appropriate UNHCR resources.

For all UNHCR positions with this job title and grade level, this is the Standard Job Description. Additional desirable and/or necessary qualifications relevant to the operation or role may be included in the operational context. Any such requirements are included in this Job Description by reference and will be taken into account for screening, shortlisting, and choosing candidates.

Profile of the ideal candidate

Excellent drawing, analytical, and communication abilities are required of him or her. Possessing prior reporting experience is advantageous. He or she should be a strong team member, diplomatic, adaptable, proactive, and able to work well under duress. Most importantly, secrecy is demanded of s/he. Lastly, the position requires strong organizational abilities in order to organize and manage missions, keep track of meetings, get the Representative ready for every engagement, and assess the progress made on a variety of issues.

Languages needed (anticipated) The overall level of ability is at least B2:

Operating environment

Considerations for Occupational Safety and Health

Character of the Post

The Executive Assistant – NOB position’s incumbent is essential to the Representative’s support. In addition to managing information, scheduling and recording meetings, keeping track of actions, deadlines, and commitments, maintaining protocol and procedure, and facilitating communications within the Kenya Operation with multiple stakeholders, s/he offers direct support to the Representative. The Representative receives assistance from the Executive Assistant in determining which issues should be handled first and with urgency. S/he guarantees complete secrecy for the assignment in every way. The Representative provides advice to the incumbent. In order to create documentation and oversee the flow of information, the incumbent also communicates with UNHCR colleagues on issues of non-routine concern. In order to manage information effectively, s/he analyzes information flows, makes recommendations, and puts procedures into place. Frequent communication is maintained with outside parties, such as government representatives, UN agencies, and other international organizations, in order to give the Representative’s contacts background information on pertinent subjects before meetings, to reply to inquiries on the Representative’s behalf, and to enlist the support of others on issues pertinent to the office. In addition to working closely with the senior management support team, the executive assistant may also be the team’s supervisor. Additionally, s/he takes on a coordination role inside the framework.

Conditions of Living and Work

Families might do well at a duty station in Nairobi. It serves as the regional medical evacuation center for nations in the Great Lakes subregion, the East and Horn of Africa, and offers first-rate medical facilities. Hotels, schools, and recreational centers all meet international standards. superior quality

In addition to excellent banking services and limitless access to communication tools like SIM cards for phones and the internet, lodging is also offered. Nairobi also has no malarial environments. However, other regions of Kenya experience yellow fever, malaria, and cholera. Upon entering the nation, a yellow fever vaccination card is necessary. Nairobi is classified as having Level One UN security, although there may occasionally be riots and politically motivated protests. Nairobi has a comparatively high rate of general crime, particularly in some low-income neighborhoods, but anywhere one goes, extreme caution and attentiveness are necessary.

Security Points to Remember

  • Riots and protests motivated by politics can happen at any time. Risks include traffic accidents, fires, epidemics, and flooding are common. Like many other major cities, Nairobi has a high crime threat level, and carjacking, robberies, and residential burglaries sometimes include physical violence. Nairobi has a moderate level of terrorist threat, whereas the northeast has a high level. It is necessary to be extremely vigilant and aware at all times.

Additional Requirements

  • Ability
  • Documentation and Co-Drafting
  • Instruction
  • International Relations, Bachelor of Arts (BA) Law and Political Science Bachelor of Arts (BA) programs
  • Accreditations
  • Experience at Work

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