Entrance scholarships for future undergraduates

Deadline is Monday October 16th 2023 | Entrance scholarships for future undergraduates
centrally administered admission scholarships


Overview of admission scholarships managed by the federal government

Merit-based admission scholarships are available from McGill’s Scholarships and Student Aid to first-year college students starting a full-time undergraduate degree program.

Entrance scholarships are not available to transfer, mature, diploma, exchange, special, part-time, or visiting students.

There are two categories of admission scholarships that are centrally administered:

Scholarships for one year worth $3,000 that are not renewed

Major Scholarships worth between $3,000 and $12,000, renewable yearly for up to three or four years as long as the renewal requirements are completed.

Scholarship recipients from McGill must familiarize themselves with the rules governing both one-year and major entrance scholarships.

Scholarships for Entrance customized to Faculty

At McGill, some faculties provide their own department-specific admission awards. These departments include those for law, music, dental medicine, and oral health sciences. For more information, you should contact the admissions offices and websites of each faculty member. These awards cannot be transferred if you switch faculties.

Please be aware that candidates for law, medicine, and dental medicine and oral health sciences who already hold a university degree must enquire about awards at their respective colleges.

Additional funds

Consider the admission scholarship as one component of a bigger financial aid package that may include: If you are given an entrance scholarship but still need money to pay for your studies at McGill, you should do so.

Government Support

Work Study Program at McGill

Financial aid (loans and bursaries) for McGill

Every year, a wide range of associations, firms, organizations, and foundations offer a large number of external prizes. Every day, new scholarship programs are launched. You are strongly encouraged to apply for all awards for which you may be eligible and to review the Scholarships and Student Aid website often for updated information on new award opportunities.

Entrance scholarships for future undergraduates
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