Apply by September 30, 2023, at 4:56 AM | Health And Nutrition Officer Job Vacancy In Ethiopia Addis Ababa | Save The Children
Officer of Health and Nutrition
Application First-Time Only
Position Description
Officer of Health and Nutrition
Role Objectives:
The health and nutrition officer will be in charge of organizing and carrying out all activities in his assigned location that are sponsored by Save the Children. Additionally, will undertake routine monitoring, reporting progress, and support evaluation while also offering technical help for the health and nutrition program. At the site and neighborhood levels, she or he will assist with the efficient delivery of the health program’s operations. She or he will assist the MOH in the creation and distribution of training materials and monitoring tools as well. She or he will make sure that these responsibilities are carried out, technically managed, operating effectively, and providing all beneficiaries with high-quality care while adhering to protocols and best practices.
Officer in charge of health and nutrition
Reports to: Coordinator for Health and Nutrition
No employees who report directly to this role
Responsibility for the program, protocol, and procedures:
- At the project site assigned, you are in charge of overall health and Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) coordination.
- To increase ownership and sustainability, plan and facilitate kick-off meetings, review meetings, and other events.
- Together with the Woreda health office and health facility representatives, create a strategic plan to improve integration and cooperation.
- Along with MOH counterparts, plan and monitor project activities’ execution.
- Give health workers and health extension workers technical direction
- MOH employees working in woreda health offices, health centers, and health posts can get coaching and mentoring.
- Assessing the functionality of healthcare facilities, training needs, and other areas with MOH
- Ensure proper distribution and use of the SCI-provided materials and equipment.
- Organize and lead trainings for health professionals and health extension personnel on various theme areas.
- Follow up after training, provide regular, constructive supervision, and arrange collaborative monitoring visits.
- Participate in integrated supportive supervision at the regional level and other monitoring visits.
- Assess the local capacity and make sure that the programs are delivering the intended results in accordance with the relevant standards, policies, and program plan.
- Plan and lead CMAM training for HEWs and other health professionals.
- Promote the implementation of the Family MUAC training
- Provide health professionals and HEWs with technical assistance in managing acute malnutrition.
- Make sure that national guidelines are used appropriately at all levels to manage acute malnutrition.
- assistance with enhancing the referral chain for CSAM management
- Make sure the CMAM activities are carried out on schedule and that the CMAM funding is used as intended.
- Follow up with the coordinator for health and nutrition regarding the purchase of CMAM tools and supplies.
- Encourage the creation, distribution, and sensible application of SBCC materials
- Make sure that the health institutions sponsored by Save the Children have access to enough CMAM supplies.
- Conduct routine field visits to give health professionals, HEWs, and HDAs on-the-job training.
- Utilize a common supervision checklist to keep an eye on things and assess how well services are being provided for managing acute malnutrition.
- Promote effective communication and referral between various programs, including IYCF-E, CMAM, child-friendly spaces, health, food distribution, WASH, etc., by facilitating cross-sectoral programming.
- Help HEWs, health centers, and WorHO prepare reports relating to CMAM
- Ensure that all activities funded by Save the Children are documented in accordance with the requirements at all levels.
- Make sure communities receive appropriate and consistent health education.
- At the designated woreda, facilitate and assist in the planning of outreach events and support regional campaigns.
support microplanning at the woreda level
- Represent SCI in meetings with stakeholders for the coordination of the health and nutrition clusters, including RH-related discussions.
- Participate in the project’s conception, technical visits, monitoring visits, surveys, and evaluations.
- Assist in the effective management of necessary medications and medical supplies, and ensure that IPLS are used at all levels.
- Ensure that project performance is monitored and that quality standards are upheld with the help of the MEAL team.
- Cooperate with MOH to plan any community outreach initiatives or behavior change communications.
- timely request, approval, purchase, and distribution of the project’s supplies, tools, and logistics
- When applicable, collaborate to integrate the health program with other fields, especially WASH, FSL, and protection.
- aids in all emergency disease outbreak response efforts
- Prepare movement plans and reports on a weekly and monthly basis, and contribute to timely donor reporting.
- To improve learning, find, record, and share success stories, best practices, and case studies.
- carry out additional tasks as directed by your immediate supervisor.
reporting and observation
- updating databases often and ensuring site quality control
- Create daily/monthly activity reports and any other required reports as needed.
- shares with technical personnel updated follow-up data on enrolled cases from routine home visits
advocacy and dialogue:
- Promote cross-sectoral programming, especially to advance referral and communication, health, education, and CP programming.
- To optimize cooperation and guarantee proper coordination of actions, communicate with other humanitarian actors, partners, and community organizations.
- BSC in nursing or public health
- MPH in any area of public health would be ideal.
- Having worked for at least 5 years and having experience with NGOs for at least 1 year
- knowledge of the IPLS (Integrated Pharmaceutical Logistics System)
- trainings for sphere standards
- Obtain MNCH in times of need
- Proven report-writing talent and outstanding communication abilities
- willingness to often travel and adaptability to changes
- Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Internet Explorer proficiency
- fluency in both spoken and written English as well as the native language
- Good people skills and the ability to operate in a multicultural team
- committed to enhancing children’s lives
- Non-discriminatory and attentive to gender
- dedication to the SCI values
- Desired Work experience with NGOs and humanitarian crises
- fluent in both written and spoken Tigrinya and English
- good understanding of medical practice-related quality standards and controls
- understanding the local environment
Issued on: September 5, 2023 Written by Haftom Teklay
Signatures of the Supervisor and the Reportee
Job Information
Job Reference Number 3284
Employment Type Business Support
Date Posted: 9/19/2023, 07:56
Apply by September 30, 2023, at 4:56 AM
Job Schedule Permanent
Locations: Addis Abeba, CO
Officer for Public Health
Ethiopia On September 19, 2023
Application First-Time Only
CLICK HERE To Apply For Health And Nutrition Officer Job Vacancy In Ethiopia Addis Ababa