Abstractd Virtual Art Prize 2022 (win $3,000 in prizes)

The Abstract Virtual Art Prize 2022 is now accepting applications. Through the success of their active Instagram account, Abstract supports abstract artists from all over the world. Additionally, they collaborate with Kaleido, a cutting-edge art platform and community, to curate a continuing collection – Abstractd Virtual Art Prize 2022

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Deadline: 26th of September, 2022

They aim to promote fascinating abstract art from all around the world and aid abstract artists with their inaugural virtual art prize. Any form of abstract art is eligible for the prize.


  • $1,000 for first place; $700 for second place
  • $300 for third place.
  • Honorable Mentions 10 times: $100


  • open to all mature abstract artists from around the globe;
  • The artist will maintain ownership of the actual artwork and the rights to its image. Portfolio must contain at least five pieces of abstract art.

How to Build a Successful Profile

  • Upload AT LEAST 5 pieces of art, but go ahead and upload more! The judges will be able to judge your style and ability better if you submit more artwork.
  • Describe a tale! They utilize Kaleido because it has narrative-enhancing capabilities including audio, video, artist bios, descriptions of each item, and process photos. Utilize these qualities to help people connect with your art and have a better understanding of your past.
  • Make a coherent and comprehensive portfolio. Complete your profile’s fields and show your best work 

Click Here To apply for Abstractd Virtual Art Prize 2022 (win $3,000 in prizes)

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