Deadline: September 30, 2022
For the United States African Development Foundation USADF African Agricultural Grants 2022, registered African agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, processors, and enterprises are invited to apply.
USADF African Agricultural Grants 2022 financing will support solutions that extend your organizations’ own capabilities to increase your revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth.
USADF is accepting applications in the following countries and sectors:
- Burkina Faso: cashew, honey/beeswax, maize, onions, rice, shea butter, tomatoes
- Burundi: coffee, palm oil, potato, rice
- Kenya: fishing, livestock, maize, rice, sorghum
- Liberia: cassava, cocoa, goat, palm oil, rice, vegetables
- Rwanda: beans, coffee, maize, rice, tea              Â
- Senegal: rice, millet, maize, horticulture, banana, livestock
- South Sudan: cassava, coffee, maize, shea, sorghum
- Somalia: fishing, frankincense, job training/youth employment, livestock, rice, sesame
- Tanzania: beans, coffee, cotton, horticulture, maize, rice            Â
- Uganda: cassava, coffee, maize, rice
- Zambia: agri-energy hybrid, dairy, fish farming, oil seeds, rice
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- Your organization must demonstrate that it has successfully worked together for a minimum of 2 years, has a minimum of 200 active members or suppliers, and has the capability to effectively use grants funds.
- Your ownership and management must be in agreement on the problem to be addressed and have a commitment to benefit your community.
- Your organization must demonstrate the capability to account for USADF funds by showing you have a minimum of 2 years of basic functional management and financial controls in place.
- Your organization must be 100% African-owned and African-led.
- USADF is not accepting applications from non-government organizations (NGOs) and intermediaries. Your organization must be an agricultural cooperative, producer group, processor, or business.
Successful Proposals Must…
- Have a clearly defined market opportunity to grow revenues that can increase incomes.
- Have a clearly defined plan of how you can increase revenues and incomes in 2- 4 years.
- Commit significant cash or specific in-kind contributions toward the grant activity.
- Be able to directly impact hundreds of people and community members.
- Be able to identify a path for continued growth and financing after the USADF grant ends.
- Not exceed US $250,000.
- Special consideration given to applications that incorporate innovative strategies to make use of new approaches and technologies, including complementary finance and information technology.Â
- Special consideration also given to women-owned organizations and applications that promote youth entrepreneurship and employment.
- Your submission must include the following information from your organization:
- Financial statements for the last 2 years
- Registration document
- Completed grant application form, in English, or French
- Applications must be in the sectors identified above for each country.Â
- Applications can be no more than US $250,000.
Submit all documents in one e-mail by September 30, 2022 to the e-mail address linked at apply here for your country.
Download a copy of the grant application form here:
visit USADF webpage for further details
join us on Telegram as well as Whatsapp for more opportunity updates