Category jobs
Apply for Home-based Consultancy: Vulnerability Consultant (68 working days for 6 months), ECARO, O/P Rome, Italy Unicef Job Vacancy | Unicef Careers
Apply for UNICEF Pacific Consultancy: Knowledge Management Consultant- Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji (10 months) Unicef Job Vacancy | Unicef Careers
UNICEF Pacific Consultancy: Knowledge Management Consultant- Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji (10 months) Join Our Telegram Channel Join our Whatsapp Group UNICEF Pacific Consultancy: Knowledge Management Consultant- Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji (10 months) UNICEF JOBS UNICEF VACANCIES…
Apply for Social & Behavior Change Officer, NO1, TA, Cotabato, 131790 Unicef Job Vacancy | Unicef Careers
Apply for Child Protection Officer, NO1, TA, Cotabato, 131900 Unicef Job Vacancy | Unicef Careers
Apply for Emergency Officer- Junior Professional Officer, P2, Yangon, Myanmar (Open to Norwegian Citizens Only) Unicef Job Vacancy | Unicef Careers
Apply for Regional Adviser Adolescent Participation, Skills and Employability (APSE), P-5, Fixed-Term Appointment, Kathmandu, Nepal #123683 Unicef Job Vacancy | Unicef Careers
Regional Adviser Adolescent Participation, Skills and Employability (APSE), P-5, Fixed-Term Appointment, Kathmandu, Nepal #123683 Join Our Telegram Channel Join our Whatsapp Group Regional Adviser Adolescent Participation, Skills and Employability (APSE), P-5, Fixed-Term Appointment, Kathmandu, Nepal #123683 UNICEF JOBS UNICEF VACANCIES…
Apply for Construction Specialist, (P-3), Temporary Appointment (364 Days), Mekelle, Ethiopia #00131780 (Open to Non-Ethiopian Nationals Only) Unicef Job Vacancy | Unicef Careers
Construction Specialist, (P-3), Temporary Appointment (364 Days), Mekelle, Ethiopia #00131780 (Open to Non-Ethiopian Nationals Only) Join Our Telegram Channel Join our Whatsapp Group Construction Specialist, (P-3), Temporary Appointment (364 Days), Mekelle, Ethiopia #00131780 (Open to Non-Ethiopian Nationals Only) UNICEF JOBS…
Apply for Senior Administrative Associate, (GS7), (Fixed Term Appointment) Port Sudan, Sudan (for Sudanese nationals only) Unicef Job Vacancy | Unicef Careers
Senior Administrative Associate, (GS7), (Fixed Term Appointment) Port Sudan, Sudan (for Sudanese nationals solely) Join Our Telegram Channel Join our Whatsapp Group Senior Administrative Associate, (GS7), (Fixed Term Appointment) Port Sudan, Sudan (for Sudanese nationals solely) UNICEF JOBS UNICEF VACANCIES…