The Global Leadership Challenge (GLC) aims to help emerging leaders to grow in the wisdom and character required for responsible leadership that makes a difference in the world — leadership that doesn’t simply seek to fulfil personal ambition but furthers…
The EU provides financing for strengthening training and research in African institutions under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme (1st November 2017 until 31st October 2023). In this mobility program, five African partner institutions and one technical partner from the EU…
Weekly Opportunities’ Summary 17TH AUG 2022 – OUR WEEKLY OPPORTUNITIES SUMMARY IS HERE – DOWNLOAD PDF Long time, here in we share a summary of weekly opportunities.This email will always be shared with you once a week. Grant Opportunities, Scholarships,…
How to Receive a Full Scholarship in the United States? International Students Can Receive Fully Funded Full Ride American Scholarships. 86 American Institutes receive these scholarships. Full Ride Would pay the cost of living in addition to the tuition. –…