Intake for the YouthAdapt Challenge 2022 is currently open. Applying is as follows: The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and Climate Investment Funds (CIF) jointly organize the Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge (YouthADAPT Challenge), an annual…
Are you attempting to advance your startup? Are you prepared to use lean methodology to create a repeatable, sustainable company model? Are you prepared to collaborate with the public and commercial sectors to expand your impact? – Africa Start-up Initiative…
D-Prize funds start-up businesses that disseminate tested anti-poverty programs.Products and services to end poverty have already been created. Yet we discovered a number of effective interventions with significant delivery gaps. Still, millions of people lack access to fundamental tools for…
The African Union Summit 2022 Essay Contest is now accepting applications from young Africans. Applying is as follows: September 30, 2022 is the deadline for applications. A culture of sustainable development in Africa, with a specific focus on industrialization and…
For the Pan-African Youth Leadership Program 2023, applications are now being accepted. Applying is as follows: October 1, 2022 is the deadline for applications. The Pan-African Youth Leadership Program (PAYLP), funded by the U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs…
The Schlumberger Foundation has announced the recipients of its Faculty for the Future fellowships, which support female students from developing and emerging economies in their pursuit of advanced degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) at…
The Roddenberry Prize is open for nominations through 2022. The Roddenberry Prize provides funding to early-stage businesses that take advantage of new scientific discoveries or emerging technologies that have the potential to lead to a better future. Deadline: 12th  September, 2022 The…
The Roddenberry Foundation Catalyst Fund 2022 is now accepting applications. Anybody, anywhere in the world, who has an early-stage concept or initiative that tackles serious global concerns is eligible to apply for funding from The Catalyst Fund. Catalyst Funds Early…