The SDGs Advocate Programme (SDGs-AP)

The SDGs Advocate Programme (SDGs-AP)

We are thrilled to announce that the application call for the 6th cohort of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Advocate Programme is now open. We are confident that you will be excited to disseminate information about this program to your audience through various platforms.

About the SDGs Advocate Programme (SDGs-AP)The SDGs-AP is an essential programme because it seeks to address the lack of awareness and understanding of the SDGs among Nigerian youths. The programme is necessary because young people are critical stakeholders in the achievement of the SDGs. They constitute a significant proportion of the population and are the future leaders of Nigeria.

The goal of this programme is to build a community of exceptional young leaders who will champion and promote the SDGs across the nation. Specifically, the SDGs Advocate Programme will:

i. Improve the awareness and theoretical knowledge of Nigerian youths about the SDGs and their roles in the implementation.

ii. Incorporate sustainable development into schools Nationwide by training young advocates on the incorporation of SDGs education into schools and other forms of engagements in their local communities.

iii. Develop new and strengthen existing youth networks to domesticate, engage and monitor the implementation of SDGs.

Application Starts: November 18th 2024

Application Deadline: 15th December, 2024

Benefits of the SDGs Advocate Programme

The following opportunities and benefits will be available to participants of the SDGs Advocate Programme:1. Acquiring knowledge and skills on the SDGs, advocacy, and leadership.
2. World Recognition and Certification for outstanding performance and contributions towards the achievement of the SDGs
3. Building a network of like-minded young leaders committed to promoting sustainable development.
4. Gaining access to mentors who will provide guidance and support throughout the programme.
5. Developing practical skills in project management, community engagement, and advocacy.
6. Building their resumes and enhancing their career prospects.
7. SDSN Membership Access upon Completion.

Application Link:

The SDGs Advocate Programme (SDGs-AP)



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