TWAS is welcoming nominations for the 2022 Award from every one of its individuals just as science foundations, public examination chambers, colleges and logical establishments in developing and developed nations. – Twas Abdool Karim award in biological sciences 2022
The honor prizes ladies who are researchers for their accomplishments in Biological Sciences.
Qualified chosen people are female researchers citizens of a Low-Income African country who have been living and working there for something like two years promptly before their assignment. (for example from 20/4/2020);
Colleagues of TWAS are not qualified
Self assignments and designations from jury individuals won’t be thought of.
A similar chosen one can’t be selected for more than one ‘Colleagues of TWAS Awards’ in a given year. The secretariat holds the option to bring to the consideration of the significant nominators that the designation might be appropriate for another honor, and an official conclusion whether or not to move the nomination will be taken by the actual nominators.
Selection process:
A pre-screening of the competitors will be done at TWAS, the designation dossiers of the certified applicants will then, at that point, be submitted to jury individuals for their assessment. In view of this assessment Prof. Quarraisha Abdool Karim will choose the victor.
Step by step instructions to NOMINATE A SCIENTIST:
2022 selections must be submitted electronically through the online stage by tapping on the “NEW NOMINATION” button at the lower part of this page.
To continue dealing with saved assignments, click on the “RESUME” button at the lower part of this page.
The cutoff time for getting assignments is 20 April 2022, but we firmly suggest that you don’t delay until the cutoff time is yet present the selection as soon as possible to empower us to handle it as fast as could be expected.
A selection is thought of as complete provided that incorporates the entirety of the accompanying data/material:
Nominator contact information;
Chosen one contact information (self designations and nominations from jury individuals are not acknowledged) and general data on the candidate, including the nation where she has been working and residing in the last 2 years;
Approval from the candidate (for example the contender) to handle her own information for the motivations behind her assignment, in adjustment to Art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003. This approval must be submitted through the internet based stage. The security approval structure is accessible for download in the segment ‘chosen one’s very own information’. The structure should be filled in and endorsed by the applicant and afterward transferred onto the on-line stage;
Recommended reference (15-20 words featuring the candidate’s logical accomplishments in Biological Sciences);
Supporting articulation with respect to the candidate’s commitment in Biological Sciences. Supporting articulations ought to clarify exhaustively the work performed by the up-and-comer and its importance in the applicable logical setting. Clear reference ought to be had to the logical effect of the chosen one’s work. Unclear supporting articulations won’t be thought of and will contrarily influence the assessment;
Clear and nitty gritty record of any time spent abroad by the candidate in the beyond two years;
PhD: data on branch of knowledge, year and granting foundation;
Brief data on participation in foundations and social orders;
Brief data on grants and praises got;
Rundown of 10 most critical distributions recorded in a globally OK configuration;
The candidate’s short CV and her total rundown of distributions are likewise to be transferred, independently, onto the internet based stage.
The candidate’s h-record in Google Scholar and the related number of references.
1) While filling in the structure, focus on the prerequisites for each field (for example greatest number of characters, document type, date design, and so on)
2) Run a check utilizing the button of the structure menu to confirm that obligatory fields have been filled in and the information you entered are acknowledged. This additionally saves your structure.
Each time you run a check, you are taken to the last part of the structure named “Submit”. Utilize the structure menu to explore to the past segments.
3) After you run a check, fields with NOT ACCEPTED OR MISSING DATA will be featured in RED.
Kindly note that once you have properly changed the details of at least one of the fields, the red feature won’t vanish until you run again a check.
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